Sunday, January 9, 2011

Kids' Halloween Costumes - Fancy Lazy, As Long As It's Different

Halloween 'costumes Many kids ready for hours in front of my house last year. Some had wrapped around boys, some girls around. Most were young girls, age 6 or younger. Most were children under 9 Some were old. What is beautiful is on a small child does not look nice on a 13-year-old if you ask me.

The older boy was disturbing, the same kind of fear. I've seen a lot of vampires and Freddie, and few men have lost my mind. I have so much clothing the same girl. I expect thisYear will be the same. With one difference: Avatar Avatar success sends a group of characters in my own way. Maybe I'll see a lot of Harry Potter and friends. They were very cute when they were younger (the characters, I mean).

Last year I was a boy in jeans and a sweater inconspicuous, a jacket, a backpack. He said: "Trick or Treat."

This has nothing to do with Halloween costumes for children, "I thought. I said" What you should be?

He, 11 or 12, Said, "school boy".

The dress was perfect in reality. I have not decided if he was the creative or lazy and stupid. But it was different. And different is good. Even when it comes to Halloween costumes for children.

But I've seen photos of Halloween with my oldest daughter that morning. She is six. She was appalled that Cinderella had two days of six years was Halloweening. Do not cry for me, is their word. It 's really said"Halloweening.

By the way, now wants a bat, a bat to be scary. His sister, the five friends, a bat would be. They said the type cute Halloween costumes that are specific and are tired princess. ("Princesses are boring. If you do not have to wait to be rescued," was my oldest manager. What does my oldest, who also says my youngest. Fairy Halloween costumes are too much like Princess costumes Halloween, so I'm out of this. Dora, Diego, MickeyMouse Halloween costumes and all the costumes, because they are boring.

I did not know that I thought, 'Halloween costumes. Go figure with our children based on some Disney show (based on the number of other wicked my daughters spent hours watching TV or in front of some Disney.

However, lazy or imagination or something, otherwise the child will be - what's more he or she says. Only that most of them do not express. So to do something different.maybe it can be different, how to get the costume. Maybe that's what you do. If you use to trick or treat, a party. It may also trick or treat party. My daughters would be happy that I think.

home with friends Trick or Treat ', with long stops to eat, cry, dance, or whatever you want. A party moving, that is. Sure, you have friends who live in the area, the logistics are not easy. Appetizers at the home of Aunt Jenny, 30 minutes. Juice with Mike and Martha's House, 10Minutes. Pizza in his uncle Ted, 30 minutes.

Of course, before each house, that I had to knock on some doors, the children would have to say "Trick or Treat" a couple of times. And Halloween costumes, children have to do, of course, embrace it, otherwise it is too different.

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